Lot accompanied Abraham when he was called by GOD to leave his family and nation, and Abraham assumes Lot will inherit him when he passes away. Lot was present as Abraham began his journey with GOD, and he witnessed Abraham’s first act of faith in GOD. Lot paid attention to Abraham’s sacrifice and his friendship with the LORD. He received additional blessings as a result of Abraham’s bond with GOD. Genesis 12: 1-5.
Lot accompanied Abraham in all of his endeavors, but when he amassed wealth, the land they were on was insufficient for their needs. Being a member of Abraham’s household made Lot wealthy, and as their wealth increased, disputes arose amongst their respective servants. Genesis 13:5-7. Lot viewed it as a chance to exercise his independence. For the first time, he mistakenly desired to make his own decisions free from Abraham, his uncle’s influence. Unlike Abraham, who was guided by the SPIRIT of GOD, he was not. Genesis 13:11. When believers decide to turn away from their source, when sons turn away from their spiritual fathers when junior pastors turn away from their senior pastors, or when home churches turn away from the faith, believers start to regress.
Be wary of spiritual heads and coverings, for when GOD planned to demolish the city of Sodom, he came to talk about it with Abraham, Lot’s spiritual head whom he parted from. Abraham prayed for his deliverance. Genesis 18:16-33. Genesis 19:29. Abraham even sent his servants to free Lot and his family after they were caught after he had already left. Genesis 14:12-16. As a Christian, you must be raised by the person whom GOD has chosen to be your leader. The LORD chooses pastors who are after his own heart, so be careful not to stray from them. Don’t change churches or ministries; both John the Baptist and JESUS had their disciples. Because these people gave you energy for prayer when you were among them, your prayer life becomes chaotic when you cut yourself apart from them. Be careful who you separate from; Abraham served as Lot’s spiritual leader, ally, and protector. The instant you part way you’ll perish as a result of that. You will have a heavenly escort if the SPIRIT of the LORD is telling you to depart.
A believer who exhibits borderlines has fallen from grace. Genesis 13:12. Due to the border, Lot set up his tent next to Sodom so that he would be able to hear their celebration and view Sodom from within his tent. This way, whenever there is a party, he will be able to see and hear it. Many Christians are on the precipice: shallow for God and shallow for the devil. The LORD small, and the world small; you are not too far from the LORD nor are you too far from the world. Not hot nor cold. Revelation 3:15-16. Like the Israelites, some people choose to stay outside of the promised land where the grass is greener for their animals rather than enter it. Numbers 32:1-5. As a believer, be cautious around the edges. Amen!!!