Actress Yvonne Nelson lately released a memoir titled “I Am Not Yvonne Nelson” in which she disclosed an affair she had with musician Sarkodie in 2010 that led to pregnancy.

She has admitted that she had an abortion after having a brief relationship with Sarkodie in 2010. She claims she did so after Sarkodie decided not to assume parental responsibility for the child.

She stated “I had grown up without a father in my life. I had often been reminded of how I had been borne by mistake…How was I going to bring another human being into this world to live like me, someone whose father would reject him or her as Mr. Nelson had rejected me?”

Yvonne detailed the incident in Chapter 8 on pages 88-95 of her new book, “I am not Yvonne Nelson,” which was launched at Peduase Lodge on Sunday, June 18, 2023. She claims that Sarkodie and his manager at the time took her to a clinic in Mamprobi to have the fetus removed. That came after an unsuccessful effort involving medicines that a friend had suggested.

The actress revealed how she regrets having an abortion and stated that the choice she made has tormented her for years.

The actress shares a personal narrative of her hardships as a young lady seeking self-discovery in “I Am Not Yvonne Nelson.”

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